Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nature Play

We decided to go to Aditi Garden today for some nature time. The weather is finally clearing up and after a LOOOOOOOOOONG  spell of rains we all are in the mood these days to step out. Moreover the girls especially  Chellu is in a very physical mode these days and doing indoor activities is getting harder. The girls cycled to Aditi Garden while I walked with them. Inspired by another mom's blog Putti's world, we started out by making faces with natural materials like leaves, bark , branches etc..All of us enjoyed the activity thoroughly. Chellu especially did a gr8 job of searching for appropriate stuff ..She really enjoys designing so much. And then the girls took off for their own activity for the rest of the time...They decided to first decorate the bed- sheet with leaves and then climbed up a tree. I did a small activity with poem recital ( Kunju) and describing the tree ( Chellu) and what's the tree telling you ( both)..they liked that too.

A good three hours flew by with us engaged in nature...Absolutely loved the time we spent with each other and with nature. Especially the swing and cradle making by the girls...design & innovation come so naturally to children. We just need to give them the space and freedom and then step back. Everything unfolds so beautifully.

B ut again they went off in their own directions..They asked for the bed-sheet and soon we had a "house"

 And once they got down Chellu decided to tie a "jhoola"...the best part was how many attempts she made to perfect it and perfect & pretty it did turn out to be.  First a standing swing and then a sitting one.
Really perfect! Kunju had a good time swinging in it.

 And soon afterwards it became a cradle ..

 While they were busy experimenting with the jhoola I decided to paint a dry leaf.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

When Art Rules The Roost

Last week we enjoyed a day when art took over and consumed the girls. That day, first thing in the morning I had a very messy house to clean up . So I handed over rice flour and Rangoli colors to the girls and asked them to make some kolams. And lo! they were engrossed for almost an hour. Came up with some fun designs. Chellu tried the "acchu" or "die" and liked it too..

 The rangolis set the mood for the day and for the rest of the day the sisters were indulged in their own art creations. They went on to do wall -art , make their own key chains and finally indulged in glass colour painting on plastic
sheets. We ended up making some pretty ones that went on to adorn our living room window. The last activity was suggested by me but finalized by them. The rest of it were creations of their mind. And I had such fun watching them and doing it with them. It is one thing when art is planned and done and another completely different thing when it comes from the heart. The spontaneity, the creativity, the joy ..these are worth experiencing when it comes with art from within!

Making their "key chain" -they asked for old keys for their pretend play and then used it to make a chain
Chellu works on wall art with her sister's hands & legs
Wall Mehendi

More wall art

Chellu's wall art 
Chellu's copy drawing of the Statue of Liberty
Glass color painting

Glass color painitng

Kunju enjoys her glass color painting